Al Rathawia Specialized Center is a unique medical center that includes a group of the most qualified specialists and consultants from the highest international certificates to provide the best medical services to its auditors. The following departments are included: Rheumatology and Joints Department Special Department for Diabetes Care Internal Medicine Unit and Comprehensive Screening
Since the modern state of Saudi Arabia was first founded by King Abdul Aziz Bin Abdul Rahman Al Saud, May Allah rests his soul in peace, the public health and disease control were among the government’s top priorities.
Our Vision is to be the first choice in health care for our communities. We want to be a leader in providing quality, compassionate patient centered care that seeks physical cures and comforts as well as peace of mind and peace of heart.
Since His Excellency Dr. Mohammed bin Omar Salim Al-Arnous, the founder, established the United Medical Projects Company Limited in 2006 AD, the company’s management began planning a development strategy to expand its service work to the community. Its activities diversified between medical and service projects and it took upon itself the responsibility of leadership in the medical services sector.
Since 2000 , Cochin studio has always pioneered to bring out the best in photography industry. At Cochin studio we use the latest technology and equipment to ensure the best quality prints at high speed. We strongly believe in customer satisfaction and quality of services. The unique set of skills that our founder and management team brings cochin studio pictures to establish new Industry standards.