Whether you aspire to lead in the business world, innovate in cutting-edge technologies, or make a difference in global challenges, our diverse range of programmes offers the ideal pathway for your aspirations.
A very warm welcome to Universiti Utara Malaysia (UUM), the eminent management university, a university that is driven by the motto Knowledge, Virtue, Service.
thirah Asri While others celebrate New Year ending by going on a vacation, it is different for 40 students from class Islam in The Malay World with course code HIST 1303 Section 2 UIAM, Gombak. On 29th December 2023, under the supervision of their lecturer, Prof.
The integration of knowledge and practice based on the faith in Allah is fundamental to the university’s endeavour in preparing competent human capital for global prosperity.
Our programmes prepare students to be successful in their chosen disciplines by providing professional training and the opportunity to use classroom learning to solve real-world problems.
We are committed to providing an inclusive learning ecosystem that maximises the opportunities for our students and at the same time ensures that education delivery is relevant to industrial practices.
Reading (إقرأ) is the sole means by which knowledge can be internalised. Self-fulfilment doesn't lie in a scroll attained, but within the depths where the soul is contained.
Research at UKM contributes significantly to the economic and social development through an ecosystem that fosters intellectual discovery, innovation, dissemination, and application of knowledge
Research at USM is driven by 3 main thrusts areas namely curiosity-driven, people-focused and industry-driven. In line with the university's values of quality, equity, availability, accessibility. affordability, and appropriateness, USM has set its Research focus to be "a pioneering, trans-disciplinary research intensive university that empowers future talents and enables the bottom billions to transform their socio-economic well-being".
Sebagai sebuah universiti multidisiplin dengan sejarah cemerlang selama 91 tahun, Universiti Putra Malaysia telah diiktiraf secara global kerana pengajian dan program akademiknya yang unggul yang telah memberi sumbangan besar kepada perkembangan ilmu pengetahuan dan modal insan yang mahir sejak tahun 1931